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Five years ago, if you had asked me what I wanted in life I would have answered with “perfection.” If given the same question today, I would respond with “passion.” A passionate life is motivating, intentional, and exciting. A passionate life has room for errors, because that is where you grow. Perfection is limiting because one can claim perfection when there is a lack of drive. I hung this quote in my bedroom to serve as a daily reminder to find enthusiasm in every day.  I strive to be passionate about the things I give my time to.



When I started college, I knew that I was good at math and science, so when it was time to pick a major; Pre-Med seemed like the obvious track to follow. However, it was on a trip to a nanoparticle research facility where I found my passion. After learning about the potential developments that can be made using chemistry I knew that I had to be involved. I changed my major to Chemical Engineering that afternoon and have never looked back. Since then, class has never felt like an obligation, but an opportunity to turn my curiosity into knowledge. I think Robyn Irving said it best, “Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it sure has earned a lot of people degrees.” 

Nelson Mandela -

“There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

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